Binks Hub co-director wins 2023 Qualitative Book Award

Congratulations to Binks Hub co-director, Marisa de Andrade, for jointly winning the 2023 Qualitative Book Award for her most recent book!

The award recognises a work that makes a major contribution to the study and practice of qualitative approaches. The panel said of the book:

“In her book, Marisa de Andrade intertwines fantastical realities based on ‘truthful’ research findings with traditional public health approaches. De Andrade offers a reflexive, practical, and paradigm-shifting text that espouses important messages about relationality, research practice, and well-being.”

Public Health, Humanities and Magical Realism: A Creative-Relational Approach to Researching Human Experience calls for a re-conceptualisation of evidence used in public health to include important forms of creative and relational data about people’s lived experience. This data, de Andrade argues, cannot be accessed through the biomedical model.

Throughout the book, fantastical realities based on ‘truthful’ research findings are interwoven with traditional public health approaches through artistic engagement with so-called ‘hard-to-reach’ groups.

For those who are curious, more information is available on the publisher’s website, or you can also read this insightful blog post with one reader’s reflections on reading the book three times over (!)

Congratulations again to Marisa.


The Binks Hub will work with communities to co-produce a programme of research and knowledge exchange that promotes social justice, relational research methods and human flourishing.

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