Unpacking toolkits

“Giving someone tools doesn’t make them a carpenter” (March – June 2023)

What is the value of toolkits as a knowledge exchange tool?

Toolkits are often produced as a form of knowledge exchange at the end of a project, but what happens to them when they go out into the world, and do they really inform the purpose as intended by the creator? With hindsight (and a small amount of discomfort), our team at the Binks Hub can think of one or two that we’ve worked on where we really couldn’t answer those questions.

From a toolkit user perspective, it can be hard to find resources to support work that just fit, that are nuanced enough, yet practical and adaptable. So, are we done with toolkits?

These questions of value are the focus of the critical, scoping report linked below.

Key points include:

  • Toolkits vary greatly, including in their focus on thinking and doing, but those we spoke to felt they should be a bridge between theory and practice.
  • Toolkits may need not to be reductive and overly simple, but should provide some hand-holding and inspiration through intuitive and creative exploration by the user.
  • Some practitioners value reputable and trusted resources that they can assemble into their own personal ‘toolkit’.
  • Illustrations and practical examples of use are as important as the ‘tools’ themselves.
  • Long-term sustainability and user involvement are really important.
  • Tools need to be matched to users who have the right skills and aligned values, to the purpose of the user and adapted to the context.


  • The report includes a visual mindmap of the discussions and some handy reflective questions for both users and creators of toolkits.

valYOUed is an AHRC legacy and impact project from Art is Everywhere. Marisa de Andrade is the Principal Investigator for both projects, author of the Foreward and Editor of this report. Helen Berry, Christina McMellon & Mary Ann Powell are authors of the overall report content. We thank contributors and those who reviewed earlier drafts for their insightful contributions. Design elements for the report were prepared by Rhiannon Bull. The infographic illustrator and designer is Jenny Capon.

Read the report

Read the full report ‘Unpacking toolkits: Giving someone tools doesn’t make them a carpenter’:

Report editor: Dr Marisa de Andrade

Report authors: Helen Berry, Christina McMellon, Mary-Ann Powell

Project Partners: Art Is Everywhere; the Binks Hub; North Lanarkshire Council

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

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