Imagining Restalrig in 2050: A youth view

Digital printing on canvas
CreditsJenny Capon (lead artist); Mallory Hybl (artist/researcher); Autumn Roesch-Marsh (artist/researcher); Ripple project Children and Young People’s group members Raissa, Rhys, Anna, Hayden, Chloe, Stephanie, Derek, Maya T., Lara A., Lara C. A., Gurdaige, Louise, Aliza, Emma, Maya B. and Callie.

Mallory Hybl (alumna of the Binks Hub-affiliated MSc in Global Mental Health and Society) worked with young people from across different youth groups at the Ripple using collage to imagine how they would like their community to look in 2050. 

The finished piece, pulled together by artist Jenny Capon, shows both individual dreams – such as owning a dance studio, playing, and attending university – and hopes for the wider area, including: a hospital with more staff and shorter waiting lines; more clothing and food shops; green spaces and park improvements; community art venues; free ice cream for under 15s; and the absence of bullying.

Our collaboration with the Ripple

The communities of Lochend, Restalrig and Craigentinny, together with the Ripple Project and the Binks Hub, have created a series of artworks exploring the memories, experiences, realities, hopes and dreams of the local community.

Learn more about our collaboration here.

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