Human flourishing

Exploring academic, practice, and artistic perspectives

Our mission at the Binks Hub is to co-create research for human flourishing; so we’re keen to explore further different academic, practice and artistic perspectives on the concept of ‘human flourishing’.

The Binks Hub human flourishing symposium 2023

To help us shape our vision of what human flourishing might look like – and how we might get there – on the 6th June 2023, we invited artists, practitioners, community organisations, policy makers and academics into a shared space for a series of lectures, discussions, and creative exercises to examine a number of key questions:

  • How do different disciplines – both inside and outside academia – understand human flourishing?
  • What does it mean to promote human flourishing?
  • What role might research and knowledge exchange have in developing our understanding of and interventions around human flourishing?

As our co-director Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh put it at the event, central to all of this is a question about “playfulness and joy”; about how research can be fun, and how we can meet people where they are.

We were thrilled to hear from Professor Andrew Sayer, poet John Glenday, former CEO of the Grassmarket Community Project Jonny Kinross, and Christina McMellon and Isla Jamieson-MacKenzie from the TRIUMPH network as speakers at the event.

You can read our full write up of the event here.

Collage and ekphrastic writing

At the end of our flourishing symposium, the Binks Hub team worked creatively together to produce a collage (facilitated by artist Jean McEwan) bringing together the various strands of thought from the day to help us articulate our thinking around what human flourishing means:

In late 2024, we took this project forward via an ekphrastic writing (writing in response to artworks) workshop facilitated by writer Helen Boden. During this session we drew out the themes expressed in the collage and explored them in written form. 

Now, moving further into this secondary phase, we are each working on creative writing outputs to capture our individual responses, with a view to publish a journal on flourishing as a concept in 2025.

Want to share your research via the Binks Hub?

If you've got an idea for a research project – or are already working on a research project – which you'd like to talk to the Binks Hub about, please just send us an email. We'd love to hear from you.