From digital exclusion to digital inclusion

A research study exploring the processes and impacts which make a difference for marginalised households

With an academic background in Applied Linguistics and Adult Education, my research interests are primarily oriented around interdisciplinary and collaborative research processes. I am currently funded by a Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Collaborative Studentship, working with the social innovation charity People Know How on a Ph.D. project to formulate an in-depth understanding of the various formal and informal processes and support that people from marginalised households find most useful in their journeys from an experience of digital exclusion to that of digital inclusion. The project is supervised by Dr. Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Professor Siân Bayne, and Dr. Jimmy Turner. 

The project will constitute comparative household case studies as well as community ethnography in various geographical areas of multiple deprivation in Edinburgh and apply a lifespan perceptive with attention to social, emotional, physical, and intellectual impacts on individuals concerning digital inclusion experiences. As part of the co-production process, I will also co-create a creative map with the participants depicting the key milestones, barriers, and enablers in digital inclusion journeys in these communities. 

Since research on the impact of intersectional issues in experiences of digital exclusion and the processes of support that can enable digital inclusion are limited, therefore, findings from this multi-method and collaborative research are expected to contribute to enhancing understanding and improving local and national practice support on digital inclusion for marginalised households in Scotland.

About Nishat

Nishat Tasneem is a PhD student in the Department of Social Work at the University of Edinburgh. Nishat has worked as a researcher, educator, and volunteer in diverse contexts in South Asia and Europe.

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